July 2022 Newsletter

July 2022 Newsletter



David Carrique Sánchez is returning to Spain at the end of July. If you see him regularly please book an appointment to see him before he goes. We are hoping he will return next year.

Advances in foot surgery

Fitter Feet for Life's Consultant Podiatric Surgeon Diana Nicholl FCPOdS has just arrived back from an advanced surgical training scheme in France. She visited NEWCLIP TECHNICS who have created the FOOTMOTION PLATING SYSTEM - plates and screws for advanced foot surgery. These essential components of modern foot surgery are made from solid titanium blocks using state-of-the-art  mapping technology to fit the plate to the bone.

Newclips plates are anatomically designed to fit the different bone contours of left and right feet, not 'one size fits all.'

Diane is impressed by the added strength of the repair that the plates and screws support.

These features allow much faster healing times and faster times back to normal footwear after surgery.

Diane says that using these plates during her training allowed bigger bunion & hallux valgus deformity to be corrected with ease.

Diana is available at Fitter Feet for Life Monday to Friday for appointments to discuss foot surgery. She has been a Consultant Podiatric Surgeon at Guy's hospital since 2010. She is listed by all major private health insurers.

To book an appointment to discuss foot surgery please speak to our administrator Nadira on 02076274901.