Mrs Diane Nicholl FCPodS

● Fellow of the College of Podiatric Surgeons
● Member of the HCPC and Society of Podiatrists
● Private consultations for Foot surgery and Gait Analysis at Fitter Feet for Life

Mrs Nicholl is registered most health insurers. If you have private health insurance, please contact your insurer to request authorisation for a consultation with Mrs Nicholl.

Employment history

● Consultant Podiatric Surgeon, Guys & St Thomas Trust (Since 2011)
● Consultant Podiatric Surgeon, Lambeth PCT (2010)
● Podiatric Specialist Surgical Registrar, Lambeth PCT (2007-2010)
● Podiatric Specialist Surgical Registrar to Professor Tago West, Middx Hospital (2008-2010)
● Podiatric Surgeon, West Mendip Hospital, Somerset (2008)
● Podiatric Surgery Registrar to Mr Ian Beech, Greenwich PCT (2007-2008)
● Clinical Director, Podiatric Surgeon and Specialist in Human Movement Studies at Fitter Feet for Life. Private Foot health care (Since 1986)
● University of Cardiff Medical Legal Expert Certificate (2011)
● Clinical placement tutor (partime). MSc Biomechanics, University of Staffordshire (2001)
● Lecturer (partime). MSc Sports Medicine, London Hospital (2001)
● Lecturer (partime). BSc Sport Therapy, Westminster University (1999-2001)


● A Grading System for Plantar Fasciitis; With a critical review of the aetiologies of Plantar Fasciitis. Dec 2009. J. Podiatry
● Recommendations for Best Clinical Practise for the Evaluation & Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis. Jan 2009. J. Podiatry
● Biomechanical relationships of the plantar fascia: considerations prior to surgical plantar fasciotomy Feb 2012. J. Podiatry
● A Critical review of the Surgical Procedures & Techniques for the Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis. March 2012. J Podiatry
● To abduct or adduct, that is the question? March 2010. J Podiatry.
● The surgical repair of PB tears. A case study May 2012. J Podiatry
● HbA1c a change of Units: Diabetic update Feb 2011. J. Podiatry
● Recommendations for DVT prophylaxis for Podiatric Surgery. Submitted 2012

Lectures presented at professional Converences

●Birmingham University (Nov, 2007)
Plantar Fasciitis – Grading System
Clinical Diagnostic Tests for heel pain
●Annual Conference Society of Chiropodists and Podiatrists (Oct, 2007)
Changes in Plantar Pressure Measurements post-plantar fasciotomy
●Biomechanics Conference, Oxford (Aug, 2007)
●Fifth Staffordshire Conference on Clinical Biomechanics (Apr, 2007)
Changes in Plantar Pressure Measurements after a Plantar Fasciotomy
●London Postgraduate Study Group (Dec, 2004)
Tarsal Tunnel Syndrome
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome
●Annual Conference of Society of Podiatrists and Chiropodists (Oct, 2003)
`TARSAL Tunnel Syndrome’
●MSc Sports Medicine - GP students (Oct, 2003)
Pressure Plate technology and its interpretation
●Human Movement Analysis. To Postgraduate. Osteopathic Conference (Sept, 2003)
●Stafford University - Conference on Clinical Biomechanics (Apr, 2003)
Lower limb Human Movement
Evaluation of lower limb pathology using slow motion video
●Biomechanics summer school. Charcott-Marie – Tooth Clinical (Aug, 2002)
Studies\Neurological disorders
Gait analysis practical lecture
Interpretation of the Ghort system
●MSc Sports Medicine (GP course) London Hospital (2002)
Human Movement
Interpretation of Pressure Plate
●Charcott-Marie Tooth – Society Annual Conference (2002)
●Knee Biomechanics for London Postgraduate Study Group (2002)
●Neurological problems affecting the lower limb for Society of Podiatrists Annual Conference (2002)
●Video Gait Analysis to the Annual Conference of Podiatrists (2001)
●Video and Computer Gait Analysis to the Biomechanics Summer School Conference (2000)
●2-day course ‘Postural Gait Analysis’ London (Apr, 2000)
●Postural Gait Analysis to the London Postgraduate Study Group (2000)
●Computer Gait Analysis to the London Postgraduate Study Group (1999)