Foot surgery is performed to decrease pain and to improve alignment and comfort when walking. Initially an appointment is made to assess the type of surgery that may help your foot problem.
At Fitter Feet For Life, we provide a full range of Podiatric Surgery services, from initial consultation to care after surgery.
During your consultation you will be informed about the different types of surgery that could be performed to solve your foot problem. We will also discuss with you any non-surgical solutions that may cure your problem. If surgery appears to be the preferred treatment, we will provide you with details on how to prepare for the day of surgery and what will happen on that day. We will also tell you what to expect during your recovery from the surgery and how long you will need to be absent from work.
Fitter Feet will give you information sheets to take home to help you arrive at the best treatment plan for your circumstances.
Scans and Tests
To decide on which surgical procedure is most appropriate we often take X-rays to accurately assess your bones and joints. Blood Tests and other Imaging such as MRI or CT scans can be arranged if it is thought necessary.
Different kinds of surgery
Fitter Feet For Life can provide a wide range of surgery procedures and techniques. You may read about some of them by viewing the pages highlighted below.
Hospital Theatre
Surgery is generally performed at a private hospital run by BMI healthcare, and may be covered by health insurance. We perform surgery under local anaesthesia, sedation or general anaesthetic. For most foot surgery you can go home the same day.
Fitter Feet For Life will look after your post-operative and discharge care, providing dressings and prescription medicine as required. Our staff will be able to help you any time of day or night following your surgery.
Self-help at home will make your recovery from foot surgery quicker and more effective. We've produced a video for you to watch and follow.

College of Podiatry Video
What can be treated with foot surgery?
Surgery may be indicated for conditions including Hallus Valgus and Bunions, Neuroma, Arthritic Big Toe, Ganglions, Skin lesions, Toe deformities and Plantar Fasciitis. A consultation with our podiatric surgeon will determine whether surgery is your best option.
How do I get foot surgery?
The first thing to do is to contact reception on 0207 627 4901 to book an appointment with renouned consultant podiatric surgeon Diane Nicholl. She will talk through the best kind of treatment for your problem and talk you through the process of having surgery.
What will the surgery be like?
Our staff are talented, highly trained individuals who will make sure not only your surgery goes well, but you are supported through every step of the process. If you have any worries or concerns, our staff are always on hand to discuss your treatment further. Every case is different and your surgery will be taylored to your specific problem.
What about the aftercare?
At Fitter Feet you will be supported and cared for before, during and after surgery. You will be seen by our consultant podiatric surgeon after the event to ensure that you are healing correctly and to offer any additional treatment you need. We have an on-site physiotherapist who will help your bones and muscles on thier journey to recovery, and provide you with a personalised plan of exercises. If you ever have any concerns then your surgeon is always on hand to offer advice and support.
Many foot problems can be resolved without the need for surgery. During a one-hour podiatric consultation we examine a problem to try to determine its cause and the most appropriate treatment.
We may decide to video you walking. This enables us to assess your movements in slow motion and freeze frame to establish if abnormal use is causing your problem.
During this consultation X-rays may also be taken to examine your bone and joint structure. An ultrasound or MRI scan can be arranged, if necessary, to examine softer tissue such as muscles, tendons, nerves and ligaments. These investigations help us give you an exact diagnosis.
Your treatment options will be discussed with you and the agreed course of action will be implemented. You can learn more about the treatment agreed under the appropriate headings on this site.
The remedial exercise and rehabilitation department offers the following services:
- Personalised strengthening and conditioning programmes
- Laser therapy
- Therapeutic massage
- Facilitated stretching
- Proprioception training
- Athletic training advice
- Core stability exercises
Physical therapy is a health care profession which provides services to individuals and populations to develop maintain and restore maximum movement and functional ability throughout life. This includes providing services in circumstances where movement and function are threatened by aging, injury, disease or environmental factors. Functional movement is a central element in what it means to be healthy.
Physical therapy is concerned with identifying and maximizing quality of life and movement potential within the spheres of promotion, prevention, treatment/intervention, habilitation and rehabilitation. This encompasses physical, psychological, emotional, and social well being. It involves the interaction between the therapist , patients/clients, other health professionals, families, care givers, and communities in a process where movement potential is assessed and goals are agreed upon, using knowledge and skills unique to our therapists.
Fitter Feet's physical therapists diagnose, manage, and treat disorders and injuries of the musculoskeletal system including rehabilitation after Podiatric surgery. This specialty of physical therapy is most often found in the out-patient clinical setting. Our therapists are trained in the treatment of post-operative Podiatric procedures, fractures, acute sports injuries, arthritis, sprains, strains, back and neck pain, spinal conditions and amputations. Joint and spine mobilization/manipulation, therapeutic exercise, neuromuscular re-education, hot/cold packs, and electrical stimulation e.g. therapeutic laser, to expedite recovery in the orthopedic setting. Additionally, an emerging adjunct to diagnosis and treatment is the use of sonography for diagnosis and to guide treatments such as muscle retraining. Those who have suffered injury or disease affecting the muscles, bones, ligaments, or tendons of the body will benefit from assessment by a physical therapist specialized in the musculo-skeletal system.
Our physical therapist, Aphoung San graduated with an Honours degree in Sports Healthcare in 2004. In addition to her current role as Senior Remedial Exercise Therapist at Fitter Feet for Life, Aphoung has also previously worked with elite professional athletes during her time with NFL Europe in Germany and Florida.
A keen and enthusiastic sportswoman herself, Aphoung also has invaluable working experience in the fitness industry in various capacities. Over the course of her career, she has and continues to enjoy working with people from all walks of life; from patients post surgery wishing to regain mobility to professional athletes in highly pressurised environments.
Aphoung is currently pursuing further qualifications in Diagnostic Radiography demonstrating commitment to her continual professional development and the advancement of the practice. As part of the multidisciplinary team at Fitter Feet for Life, Aphoung actively works in partnership with her colleagues in assisting patients to attain their goals in health and wellbeing.
"My treatment philosophy consists of empowering others whilst providing a warm, friendly and trusting environment in which we work closely together."