Category Archives: News

Bunions – New NICE Guidelines

Bunions - New NICE Guidelines NICE guidelines now recommend referral to a Podiatric Surgeon to treat painful bunions. Private To book a private consultation with Mrs D Nicholl FCPodS, Consultant podiatric surgeon at Fitter Feet for Life, first ask your GP to provide a referral, which should be sent by email to, with a…
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Arthritis Research

Arthritis in the Big Toe Joint Professor Shannon, from the La Trobe University, Australia , speaking at the Podiatry National conference in Bournemouth on 22 November presented the latest research about arthritis in the big toe joint. Apparently one in six people over the age of 55 has arthritis in their feet, and one of…
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Foot health and falls – and Tai Chi (and Yoga)

Foot health and falls - and Tai Chi (and Yoga) Fitter Feet For Life specialise in human posture analysis to find out the cause of muscle and joint pain, and to help reduce such pain we often recommend exercises, physiotherapy and orthoses. Tai Chi classes are an excellent complement to the process of improving your…
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Children’s Shoes and Foot Heath

Children's Shoes The College of Podiatry in the UK say that over 4 million children wear ill-fitting footwear. Children’s foot health is an integral part of their overall health and well-being. It is our job as parents to care for our children’s feet from their first steps and to imbue them with good foot care…
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